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  • to seek out and learn new ways to be frugal
  • to develop a spirit of creativity in managing your home
  • to feed and clothe your family well, but to live within your means.

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    In loving memory of Anne Crews (aka Senteami)

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    In loving memory of Anne Crews (aka Senteami) Empty In loving memory of Anne Crews (aka Senteami)

    Post by Susan Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:02 am

    In loving memory of Anne Crews (aka Senteami) Anne_c12 This picture was taken during the last Skype chat on November 12, 2011, thank you, Jospepha)

    In loving memory of Anne Crews (aka Senteami) Anne_c13
    (When Anne was healthy, what a beautiful person!)

    Anne Crews, (aka Senteami) was a dear friend, and member of this forum. She will be missed among us. She was a lady who loved to SERVE the LORD, and had an amazing gift with the BIBLE and Numbers, which she co-wrote a book about. While there is sadness in my heart, I am REJOICING for her going HOME to be with the LORD, for ever and ever. AMEN. She loved listening to Adrian Rogers and Joseph Prince. She loved her Hymnal with all the songs about JESUS, and would listen to youtube Gospel music while working on her computer.

    I hope that all her friends will come to read her posts here, and also post about their friendship with Anne.

    Let's keep her TESTIMONY of LIFE, alive, and share it with everyone we know. It may just lead to SALVATION for others. I don't a better way to to give MEMORIAL to this woman of great FAITH.

    For those interested in Anne's book: Bible and Numbers by Anne E. Crews, published by Tate Publishing is available online for sale.
    (ISBN 978-1-60462-558-5)


    Number of posts : 5774
    Age : 62
    Location : Heaven Bound Journey!
    Registration date : 2008-02-28

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    In loving memory of Anne Crews (aka Senteami) Empty Re: In loving memory of Anne Crews (aka Senteami)

    Post by Susan Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:17 am

    Here are some of Anne Crews Notes, from her Facebook page:

    Bible and Numbers, or 9/11 Decoded --- How it all got started
    by Anne Crews on Sunday, July 17, 2011 at 10:03pm

    When I was born again in 2003, I told God that if He would give me something to do that I would enjoy, I would work for His kingdom. Two weeks later I was browsing for the tomb of Esther when I found (perchance???) the website of Gerard Colombat. The rest is history.

    Gerard and I started working on the book one year later in 2004. Gerard has already gathered some CODES for 30 years that explain the existence of a God of Truth outside the Bible. After Gerard and I got started, we started seeing the same code over and over again: "9/11", "9/11", "9/11"! Knowing it was from God, we pursued in that direction. We were right. Bible and Numbers is an entire process that leads to the conclusion that 9/11 is encoded with the Pre Tribulation Rapture of the Church!

    God has encoded my life with 9/11; I also see the Rapture codes in the life of Gerard Colombat as well as among close friends. God had me to move to middle Tennessee 4 years before I was saved and before I knew I would write a book about 9/11!

    My hometown, Zip Code and the junction I live at ARE encoded with the pre Tribulation Rapture. The stones for the pavement of the 3rd temple come from my area! One of my close friends is the direct descendant of Robert Stephanus, who was the first to print a Bible with numbered verses in the O.T. and the N.T. which verse numbering was used for the King James Version. I also have discovered recently that the county in Tennessee where I live has the highest concentration of churches... on earth!

    Last edited by Susan on Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:25 am; edited 1 time in total

    Number of posts : 5774
    Age : 62
    Location : Heaven Bound Journey!
    Registration date : 2008-02-28

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    In loving memory of Anne Crews (aka Senteami) Empty Re: In loving memory of Anne Crews (aka Senteami)

    Post by Susan Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:18 am

    Bible and Numbers, the book that the wicked will not understand
    by Anne Crews on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at 7:34pm

    Also as soon as I started working on the book, (I used Microsoft WORD), I started seeing something REALLY STRANGE happening: on certain days, the book was like "CLOSED" to me while on other days it was "OPEN"!!!

    On the "open days" it was easy for me to add, edit, etc. So one day I asked God what was going on and God put in my mind the verse IN DANIEL 12 : "go thou Daniel, for the words are SEALED TILL THE END; THE WICKED WILL DO WICKEDLY BUT THE WICKED WILL NOT UNDERSTAND, BUT THE WISE WILL UNDERSTAND." I was afraid that evil men would use the codes in our book but they can't!!! The book remains sealed to them!!!


    I also believe that the Rapture will mark the beginning to the New World Order. In other words, the days of the NWO are counted: 2520 + 75 days according to Daniel! :-)

    Last edited by Susan on Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:24 am; edited 2 times in total

    Number of posts : 5774
    Age : 62
    Location : Heaven Bound Journey!
    Registration date : 2008-02-28

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    In loving memory of Anne Crews (aka Senteami) Empty Re: In loving memory of Anne Crews (aka Senteami)

    Post by Susan Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:19 am

    Examples of Pre Tribulation Codes in people around me
    by Anne Crews on Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 10:36am

    This is an example of the pre Tribulation codes in my life: everyone has heard about the Da Vinci Codes written by DAN BROWN. Well I work for "DIANNE BROWN" lol! She is my boss! Her daughter has the same name as the heroin from the TITANIC (Molly Brown), nicknamed the Unsinkable Molly Brown because she helped rescue many passengers from the Titanic. Molly Brown "made it" which is a type of raptured people who will make it just as Noah was made "unsinkable" because of the Ark he was in!

    The Titanic tragedy occurred during HOUR 2520 of 1912 and Tribulation will last 2520 DAYS!!!

    Watch my video "The Titanic Tragedy and the Rapture" on youtube!

    I can say it now since Molly has moved. She used to live in Franklin Tennessee. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN is at the origin of WINTER AND SUMMER DAYLIGHT SAVINGS (a notion of TIME therefore) and we know 9/11 is a powerful "TIME MARKER".

    She used to live a house # 119 (as in 11/SEPTEMBER) in lot... 227 (another code since 227 HOURS = 9 DAYS + 11 HOURS; 9/11!!!)

    She was born on 26 April which is the day of the CHERNOBYL CATASTROPHE. Do you know that 26 APRIL IS 227 DAYS AFTER 9/11???? SEE???

    She just got married with FRED THOMPSON' SON (hubby knows Fred very well; they went to school together and were born both in Lawrenceburg TN (small world; I tell you). Tony (Fred's Thompson' son) was also born on 26 APRIL! LOL! The day of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

    Chernobyl with its empty streets is a type of Raptured city!

    Watch my video "The Chernobyl Catastrophe and the Rapture" on youtube!

    The codes keep on and on. LOL! Everything is tied!

    More later about Molly Brown and a very important "SIGN IN THE HEAVENS"! As God has showed me!!!

    Last edited by Susan on Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:23 am; edited 1 time in total

    Number of posts : 5774
    Age : 62
    Location : Heaven Bound Journey!
    Registration date : 2008-02-28

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    In loving memory of Anne Crews (aka Senteami) Empty Re: In loving memory of Anne Crews (aka Senteami)

    Post by Susan Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:20 am

    A link to Anne's website. You will need a translator, if you don't speak French.

    Number of posts : 5774
    Age : 62
    Location : Heaven Bound Journey!
    Registration date : 2008-02-28

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